
Documentation & Website

For phpDocumentor, we aim to have a fully automated documentation generation process. This chapter explains how our internal infrastructure works, and what needs to be done when a new version of phpDocumentor is released.

This chapter is focused on administrators.


Our website runs on a sponsored Kubernetes cluster with a Rancher interface. We are running a single docker image which is build by the Website workflow on github, and published to github packages.

The docker image is based on nginx:alpine and contains the assets created by the make target build-website . The image contains 3 website definitions running on separate ports.

Port website


The ingress configuration of our website contains a set of rules to map the domains to the correct port. Also the separate paths are mapped this way.

Deploy process

The Website workflow is triggered after all QA checks are passed. Which will build the latest tag. When finished the website will automatically update. This means that /latest path of all domains will be updated using the latest bleeding edge version of phpDocumentor.

Image tags

At this moment we only publish the latest tag. When we are releasing a new version of phpDocumentor we need to adjust this so /3.0 will remain stable using the v3 release.

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