Builder |
Cache |
DocBlock |
Example |
Exception |
Filter |
Interfaces |
ProjectDescriptor |
Query |
TableOfContents |
Tag |
Traits |
Validation |
ValueObjects |
Descriptor | Base class for descriptors containing the most used options. |
IsTyped |
ApiSetDescriptor | |
ArgumentDescriptor | Descriptor representing a single Argument of a method or function. |
AttributeDescriptor | |
ClassDescriptor | Descriptor representing a Class. |
Collection | Represents an easily accessible collection of elements. |
ConstantDescriptor | Descriptor representing a constant |
DescriptorAbstract | Base class for descriptors containing the most used options. |
DocumentationSetDescriptor | |
DocumentDescriptor | |
EnumCaseDescriptor | Descriptor representing a property. |
EnumDescriptor | Descriptor representing a Enum. |
FileDescriptor | Represents a file in the project. |
FunctionDescriptor | Descriptor representing a function. |
GuideSetDescriptor | |
InterfaceDescriptor | Descriptor representing an Interface. |
MethodDescriptor | Descriptor representing a Method in a Class, Interface or Trait. |
NamespaceDescriptor | Represents a namespace and its children for a project. |
PackageDescriptor | Represents the package for a class, trait, interface or file. |
ProjectAnalyzer | Analyzes a Project Descriptor and collects key information. |
ProjectDescriptor | Represents the entire project with its files, namespaces and indexes. |
ProjectDescriptorBuilder | Builds a Project Descriptor and underlying tree. |
PropertyDescriptor | Descriptor representing a property. |
TagDescriptor | Base class for any tag descriptor and used when a tag has no specific descriptor. |
TocDescriptor | |
TraitDescriptor | Descriptor representing a Trait. |
VersionDescriptor |